Tuesday, July 28, 2009

July 25th
Today was the big day... The 50 MILE garage sale from Montezuma to Homer!! What fun. We started out at 8 AM even though it started at 7AM! We took our time, stopping all along the way to view the junk everyone was selling! We drove to a house or a bunch of houses, got out of the car, looked and got back in. We did that for 3 HOURS and it really got exhausting! The stuff that people were selling went from little 25 cent items all the way up to tractors, cars and canoes.
For the day, I got a Tupperware Marinade container (which I've wanted to get the replacement of because I melted mine) for 50 cents, a holiday set of pot holders and dish towels that still had the tags on them for 25 cents and a cookbook that I talked them down from 75 cents to 50 cents because it looked like a dog chewed the corner. (I hope it was a dog!) I had to get this cookbook because it was the Disney Family recipe book and LouAnn's Steak on a Stick recipe was in it from the contest that she won from Family Fun Magazine! I also got a flower pot with a grape motief for $2. That was my purchases! PJ got a new portable drill that interchanges in to a sander and a few other things for $20. It was still sealed with the tags on it. I enjoyed seeing some of the houses. They went from 200 year old houses with barns and farms to beautiful houses on the lake.

We decided enough was enough, lets hit the wine trail! My favorite part was tasting the food and getting the recipes.

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