Feb 19th
Kris is taking me out for a belated birthday lunch today. It should be a lot of fun catching up!
The rest of the day I'll be doing laundry etc. PJ and I are going to Ithaca tomorrow.
Feb 18th
I spent literally HOURS searching websites trying to find flights to New Orleans for all of us that somehow were close in time to each other. We're not all going the same day or even from the same state but we're all leaving the same day. I got ticks for 5 of us. It was a relief to finally get that done. Chris will find out his schedule over the weekend to see when and if he can go.
Feb 17th
Feb 17th
Today I decided to talk a walk on the path on the north side of Twin Lakes. I usually walk on the south side. It was a little creepy because you could hear the crackling of twigs breaking and leaves rusteling but you couldn't see anyone. I won't be doing that again while I'm alone!
Beautiful photos! The water is so blue!