Dec 31st
I can't believe it's New Year's Eve already but most of all, I can't believe that this will be my LAST entry in this blog. It was a day in the life of me, for 365 days and I am proud to say that I have COMPLETED that challenge! It was really tough at times coming up with something to take a picture of or journal about (remember I changed the rules for me. It was supposed to be a photo for each day but I changed it to be a photo or journaling to help me along). I was going to give up by the 3rd week but with my dear friend Judy routing for me on, every step of the way... I couldn't disappoint her so I managed to get it done and actually enjoyed doing it! Now I wonder what I will do with my days!!!
I have created a new blog that will replace this one but won't have DAILY entries.
This picture reminds me of the closing of this blog. Alyssa took it at Wantagh Park. See you all on the next blog!!! Happy New year to all!
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